
Nature as Magic: AV Bridges

Collaboration between e‾lektron, Public Art Action (New York), Pixelache and Aavistus Festival (Helsinki).

Nature As Magic is supported by:
Suomalais-virolainen Kulttuurisäätiö (Finnish-Estonian Cultural Foundation)
eˉlektron is supported by:
Estonian Ministry of Culture, Tallinn City

"man is not content with investigation, but strives to put everything into works, to make himself the ape of nature, indeed to supersede nature, as he tries to do what to nature is impossible” “The Secrets of Lady Isabella Cortese” by Isabella Cortese

Different parts of nature coexist, influencing one another without distorting the other totally. Man tends to look at nature as if it were a still life where everything is complete, where everything fits. And in case something doesn’t fit then one has to make a more “beautiful” or “better” still life. Looking at the image of nature we do not think about different developmental processes of each part of nature, we do not see all of the invisible.
However, when infected with curiosity, we tend to look too closely, we tend to clinically separate and glue, we tend to root out, cut apart, chop up and investigate how to group the tiny unknowns into iconic tables and formulas. All that in order to create our daily magic on earth as it is in heaven.
In the 16th century context of Isabella Cortese, the words "secret" and "experiment" were used interchangeably. As modern-day apes, we are now exploring each other's secrets, from the Kardashians to the astronauts of the International Space Station.

In this collaborative project we explore, root out, cut apart, chop up and investigate each other's interests, skills and knowledge to find our overseas magic.

In 2021 Pixelache started a new collaborative project supported by Suomalais-virolainen Kulttuurisäätiö (Finnish-Estonian Cultural Foundation) called 'Nature as Magic'. It bridges 4 online/festival/curatorial platforms together – Pixelache, e‾lektron, Public Art Action, Aavistus. Production and financial support is decentralised whereby each partner leads on how to make the 'AV bridges'.
Beginning in June 2021 and ending in October 2022, there will be 4 events in total, presented as multi-disciplinary performances, including audio and video collaborations.