

Pärast etendust on vestlus kunstnikuga, mida modereerib Erle Loonurm.

"... parkisime koos, ta ütles mulle, mida teha ja ma järgisin kuulekalt. Ja ta oli tagasi oma räpases kohas. Lülitasin mootori välja, siis ta käskis mul süüte sisse jätta, kuid mu isa ei suutnud siiski vastu panna ja hoiatas mind, et ma ei muretseks teda ise sõitma viies. Ma naersin vastu, siis meenus mulle jälle „väikese tüdruku tunne”. ”

“Tüdruku peen ise teadlikkus” on monoetendus, mille eesmärk on vabastada sügavale peidetud fantaasia, teades, et seda saab teha ainult naeruvääristamise arvelt. ‘Tüdruk’ tahab seda, mida sina tahad, olla cool, näha välja nagu ta teaks, mida ta teeb; oskaks poiste ja nende mänguasjadega sammu pidada. Mida rohkem talle öelda, et ta ei saa, seda rohkem ta tahab.

Martina Georgina (MG, 1989) on praegu Eestis elav Malta kunstnik, kes sel kevadel lõpetab magistriõpingud kaasaegse etenduskunsti alal. Õpingute raames esietendus Von Krahli teatris tema esimene soololavastus “Night_club Narciss_us” (2020). Koolitöö kõrvalt läbis ta koos kaasüliõpilase Keithy Kuuspuga Kanuti Gildi Püha Vaimu saalis kuupikkuse residentuuri, mis lõppes lavastusega „YOU YOU” (2020).

Enne magistrantuuri Eestis rajas MG Maltal Teatru Santwarju (Teater-pühakoda, 2015), kus ta on nii asutaja, lavastaja kui ka etendaja. Koostöös erinevate kunstnikega on Teatru Santwarjus valminud intiimsed lavastused nagu „Limbus” (2016), „Lib (r) a” (2017) ning lühifilm „VANITAS” (2019), mis esilinastus Mehhikos FIDanzCA festivalil. Kõik tööd on olnud katsed uurida inimeksistentsi keerukust. Oma praeguses töös lähtub MG identiteediteooriatest ja tegeleb kujundite loomise ja obsessiivse eneseväljendusega. Ta põimib isiksuse väljamõeldisega ning esitab väljakutse enda - naise - häälele ja peegeldusele.

Lavastaja ja etendaja: MARTINA GEORGINA (MLT)
Valguskunstnik: HENRY KASCH (EST)
Lavastuskunstnik: KRISTEL ZIMMER (EST) (Estonian Academy of Arts), Konsultan: JIMMY GRIMA (MLT).

Aitäh: Ana Sanchez-Colberg, Jüri Nael, Giacomo Veronesi, Keithy Kuuspu, Kris Lemsalu, Marleen Suvi, Julia Camilleri.
Estonian Academy of Arts (EMTA), Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA), Eesti Kultuurkapital

In English

The performance is followed by an artist talk moderated by Erle Loonurm.

“...we co-parked, he told me what to do and I followed with obedience. And she was back in her dirty place. I turned the engine off then he told me to leave the keys in her ignition, but still my father could not resist warning me not to worry him by taking her out for a drive on my own. I laughed back, then I remembered the ‘little girl feeling’ again.”

GIRL’S PHALLACY is a solo performance in search to discharge some form of deep seated fantasy, knowing it can only be done at the expense of ridicule.
But ‘girl’ wants what you want, to be cool, to look like she knows what she is doing, to know how to keep up with the boys and their toys. The more you tell her she can’t, the more she will want to.

Martina Georgina (MG, 1989) is a Maltese artist currently based in Tallinn, where she is about to complete an MA in Contemporary Physical Performance Making (CPPM). During her studies, she created and performed her first solo performance, “Night_club Narciss_us” (2020), which premiered in Von Krahl Theatre. She also took part in an artist residency with fellow artist Keith Kuuspu at Kanuti Gildi Saal, culminating with the performance ‘YOU YOU’ (2020).

Before her studies in Malta, MG initiated the project Teatru Santwarju (2015), of which she is founder, director and performer. With Teatru Santwarju she has collaborated with diverse artists to make intimate works such as ‘Limbus’ (2016), ‘Lib(r)a’ (2017) and short film ‘VANITAS’ (2019), which premiered in Mexico for the FIDanzCA Festival 2019. All works were attempts to explore the complexities of the human condition. MG draws attention to image-making, common obsessive behaviours of self-expression, and reflecting identity discourse in her current practice. Likewise, she continues to work with and challenges her female voice and perception by interweaving self-hood with the fictional.

Director and Performer: MARTINA GEORGINA (MLT)
Lighting Designer: HENRY KASCH (EST)
Scenographer KRISTEL ZIMMER (EST) (Estonian Academy of Arts)

Thank you: Ana Sanchez-Colberg, Jüri Nael, Giacomo Veronesi, Keithy Kuuspu, Kris Lemsalu, Marleen Suvi, Julia Camilleri.
Estonian Academy of Arts (EMTA), Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA), Eesti Kultuurkapital