
LIVE Panel with Vera Iona Papadopoulou

Vera Iona Papadopoulou, Greece film director-performance artist Vera Iona Papadopoulou is a film director and performance artist. In her work includes interactive performances, video performances, long duration performances, site specific projects, short feature films, social documentaries and curating. She studied Architecture (Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture), Stage Design (LSA: Laboratory of Scenography Athens), Film Direction (VGIK: All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after SA Gerasimov), Fine Arts (MA, ICA Moscow, Institute of Contemporary Art, New Art Strategies), Digital Arts (MA, Athens School of Fine Arts). She has collaborated with Marina Abramovic (GARAGE - Museum of Contemporary Art: Marina Abramovic - THE ARTIST IS PRESENT, 2011) and Yoko Ono (MOMA and GARAGE: Yoko Ono Morning Peace, 2015) and has participated in many group and solo exhibitions.  Vera Iona Papadopoulou, focuses on the process of artistic production. Having worked in different art mediums and physical practices she attributes great importance to the practice with the performers. Over the past ten years she has attended classes and certified seminars in tantra, movement and psychotherapy. She is a yoga teacher (RYT 200HR/Yoga Alliance). She has given performance art workshops, actor trainings and cinema workshops in cultural venues, festivals, museums and universities. --- id: residence
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