
Kõheda vastasmõju festival 2022

Festival Of Spooky Action At A Distance 2022

This year's festival is sailing smoothly through the winter, spring and all the way up to the beginning of the summer

Festival Of Spooky Action At A Distance 2022

This year's festival is sailing smoothly through the winter, spring and all the way up to the beginning of the summer. Imagine this!
We figured the least stressful way for you to join us is to get an abonnement – imagine an all-in tourist service. We believe stress as such has lost its appeal to all of us, we have learned its high cost, its pointlessness really. Mikk-Mait Kivi, one of the Festival’s artists, knows a lot about taking time off and sailing. We, the more stubborn ones, were forced to learn about the urgent need to slow down by the magic wand of global health, energy and transportation crises. How wonderful, finally!

So, from the 16th of February 2022 until sometime in July we will show you slowly prepared works from mostly local artists. Just like with food, it's good to turn local every now and then despite the fact that locality on the Internet is a rather questionable quality.
Oh and yes, of course you can get your tickets separately but then you will miss out the whole eˉlektron (s)calendar and elektron.signal bonus episodes created specially for the abonnement holders. As we have plenty of time until the summer really arrives, we will publish the program slowly. Yes, even that will be done slowly.

And during these slow 5 months there will be an omnipresent Instagram spirit of guiding you through the Festival.

To get an exact schedule and the artists’ names, leave us your email address. We will add it to eˉlektron's scalendar, where you can find all the KVF22 festival info:

Festival of Spooky Action at the Distance 17. February-30. June 2022 #KVF22

17-18.02 Taavet Jansen / Liis Vares “Wolves” (in Estonian)
22.02 opening of the installation by Sander Saarmets / Jan Kaus “Forget” @ eˉlektron studio Kopli 27
24.02 eˉlektron’s artists at Estonian Independence Day
⧜⧜⧜ Public Sabotage Alliance
⧜⧜⧜ eˉlektron’s Oracle

12.03… “Kanuti Gildi SAAL & KAUSAAL intervention”
27.03 International Theatre Day
⧜⧜⧜ Public Sabotage Alliance
⧜⧜⧜ eˉlektron’s Oracle
⧜⧜⧜ Mikk-Mait Kivi & Emer Värk
29.04 International Dance Day
⧜⧜⧜ Public Sabotage Alliance
⧜⧜⧜ eˉlektron’s Oracle
⧜⧜⧜ Taavet Jansen
⧜⧜⧜ Public Sabotage Alliance
⧜⧜⧜ eˉlektron’s Oracle

⧜⧜⧜ Bohdana Korohod "Nomadic Home"
⧜⧜⧜ Public Sabotage Alliance
⧜⧜⧜ eˉlektron’s Oracle

Unholy 3nity, elektron.signal podcast, Alissa Šnaider, Maike Lond, Hendrik Kaljujärv, Kaie Olmre, Rasmus Kaljujärv and more

Supported by Estonian Ministry Of Culture, City of Tallinn, Cultural Endowment of Estonia